What is Valuka swed

A comprehensive therapeutic approach in Ayurveda is Valuka Swedana, also known as Sweda, typically administered following Abhyanga and Snehana treatments. The term “Valuka” refers to sand, and “Sweda” signifies sweat induction.

During this treatment, heated sand is employed to alleviate swelling, a method known as fomentation. Valuka Swed proves particularly beneficial for conditions marked by swelling, heaviness, and stiffness. It can be applied to a particular body region or the entire body.

How it is performed

The heated sand-filled bolus is gently massaged onto a particular body part or the entire body, avoiding excessive pressure or vigorous kneading. The Valuka Sweda treatment continues until the desired signs of sweating manifest, and the entire process typically lasts around 30 minutes.

It’s crucial to maintain a balance, ensuring that the patient does not experience insufficient or excessive sweating. Following the procedure, a pain-relieving herbal powder known as Rasnadi Choorna is applied, and the patient is recommended to rest for 30 minutes. Taking a hot water bath is also advised.


  • Enhances blood circulation
  • Alleviates stress
  • promoting a sense of calmness and improved sleep quality
  • Fortifies tissues Diminishes pain, inflammation, and muscle stiffness
  • Revitalizes bones, nerves, and muscles



Conditions Treated

Valuka Sweda is regarded as an exceptional remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. This treatment effectively mitigates pain associated with inflammation, stiffness, swelling, and discomfort. Specifically, it:

  1. Assists in pacifying vata and kapha doshas.
  2. Addresses joint pains and rheumatism.
  3. Manages back pain and muscle stiffness.
  4. Alleviates muscle spasms and sprains.