What are energy drinks?

Drinks that are consumed by today’s generations for energy. As per survey two thirds of the population, especially boys, aged 13-35 years old, have energy drinks. These energy drinks make them feel their body has more energy to finish up their tasks.

What are in the energy drinks?

These energy drinks have caffeine, approx. 150 mg in 16 oz, taurine, amino acid, vitamins, guarana seed, inositol, ginseng, sugar, artificial sweetener, if they do not have sugar or zero sugar like aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame, preservatives.

What do they do to the body?

Starting with caffeine, which is a stimulant, makes you feel more energetic than a normal person. Caffeine reduces the insulin sensitivity in the body, increases the cortisol, can increase anxiety, palpitations, reduces sleep, have effects on cardiovascular system like reduces endothelial function and aggregation of platelets, rupture of large arteries.

Secondly, Taurine, an amino acid, which remains in the spinal cord in concentrated form. Vitamins which seem beneficial to their body, but the actual truth is that all these vitamins are synthetic which are not good for the body. Any amino acids, vitamins if they are in the drinks, are in synthetic form which gives you the illusion of healthy things which are having bad effects on the body. When they deceive you with you the zero-sugar label in the drinks, they always put artificial sweetener like aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame, which are neuro toxins have detrimental effects on neurons. These big companies fool the audience with zero-sugar label as nowadays it’s been circulating all over the social media that sugar is bad, having sugar to a certain level is damaging the body from inside. So, they removed sugar from drinks and started putting artificial sweetener to the drinks. Preservative which is mandatory in a packed food and drinks without preservatives nothing can be preserved for so long. So having preservatives is dangerous to the body itself.